The Geoparc caves
This georoute goes deep into the park, taking advantage of the territory’s magnificent caves.
The Salnitre caves, with rooms full of elements of great beauty and history, have been formed within the conglomerates of the mountain of Montserrat.
The Toll caves, known as the Palau de la Fauna del Quaternari (palace of the fauna of the quaternary) because of the remains of animals and hominids that have been found, are formed of limestone and 38 million years ago, were full of life in a warm sea.
‘La Cova’ (The Cave), a cave located under the Seu de Manresa, is where St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, spent eleven decisive months of his life, from which his book of ‘Spiritual Exercises’ emerged.
Other places of interest such as the Valentí Masachs Geology Museum in Manresa, the interesting Contemporary Art and Sustainability Centre (CACES) located around some old lime kilns and the meander of the Calders river complete this journey through the interior of the Park.
If you want to know more about these spaces and how to find them, you can download the route information from the link below.
The park’s georoutes are designed to be explored by car and are suitable for the whole family. It is recommended that they be carried out over two days and can be done in both directions.
Some parts of the Geological and Mining Park are part of natural parks or other protected natural areas that have specific regulations that must be respected.